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2017 AI Industry Overview



Deep Marketer is the leading media outlet - podcasts, blogs, enewsletter, reports - providing in-depth coverage of artificial intelligence for marketers. 

We help you - strategic marketers - stay informed about the people, products, and technology based on artificial intelligence that are leading the way in redefining marketing, and doing it at a pace surprising to most everyone involved.

"In 2015, artificial intelligence went mainstream. Major tech companies including Google, Amazon, Facebook and Twitter made huge investments in AI. Almost all of Gartner's strategic predictions included AI, and {TechCrunch] headlines noted AI-driven technologies were the next big disruptor to enterprise software."
- Time Magazine | Tech, January 11, 2016

"Artificial intelligence software solutions will likely be the top disruptor in technology in the next decade ... the pace of innovation and disruptive potential of [AI] startups will accelerate as compute costs shrink and machine-learning algorithms advance."
- Bloomberg | Intelligence, September 26, 2016

"AI is poised to act as the face of a company's digital brand and a key differentiator - and become a core competency demanding of C-level investment and strategy."
- Accenture, Technology Vision 2017, January 2017

The voice of Deep Marketer is Jeff Patrick, industry leader, strategic marketing consultant, executive, author, and direct marketing expert on working with some of the biggest brands in the industry.